Catalog Revisions

The ACC catalog changes are as follows:
Page Section Description


Date of Update - Effective Term
58 Core Curriculum

Life & Physical Sciences (30)

Added back PHYS-1410



Fall 2021

133 ADN Nursing


Remove "+" indicating this is a Core Curriculum Class


Effective: Fall 2021

105 AAS-Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography - Adult Echocardiography


Remove "+" indicating this as a Core Curriculum Class


Effective: Fall 2021

106 AAS-Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography - Pediatric Echocardiography


Remove "+" indicating this as a Core Curriculum Class


Effective: Fall 2021

107 AAS-Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography - Vascular Sonography


Remove "+" indicating this as a Core Curriculum Class


Effective: Fall 2021

59 Distance Education

What Programs re Available Online?
The Distance Education Department at ACC offers the following
degrees and certificates that can be earned completely online:
• Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Sociology
• Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Psychology
• Associate of Arts- General Studies (A.G.S.)
• Management Degree (A.A.S.)
• Management Certificate

For more information about our online degrees and certificates,
visit with an ACC Pathways Advisor.

What Programs are Available Online?
The Distance Education Department at ACC offers the following
degrees and certificates that can be earned completely online:
• Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Sociology
• Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Psychology
• Associate of Arts- General Studies (A.G.S.)

For more information about our online degrees and certificates,
visit with an ACC Pathways Advisor.

Updated 2/21/2022

Effective Fall 2021

36 Maximum Course Load

Maximum Course Load
• Fall and Spring semester 15-18 semester credit hours
• Summer Eleven Week 14 semester credit hours
• Summer Five Week 7 semester credit hours combined
• Summer Five & 11 Week 14 semester credit hours
A student must have written permission from the Vice President
of Instruction or designee to register for: more than 18 credits
in any combination of terms within the fall or spring semesters;
more than 14 credits in any combination of summer semesters.
Additionally, a student’s cumulative grade point average must be
a 3.0 or higher on a minimum of twelve completed hours at ACC
and a justification for the increase documented to be considered
for approval. Meet with a Pathways Advisor for more information.

Maximum Course Load

  • Fall and Spring Semester 16-18 semester credit hours (excluding Mini 3 terms)
  • December and May Minis 3 semester credit hours
  • Summer Eleven Week 4 semester credit hours
  • Summer Five Week 7 semester credit hours
  • Summer Five & 11 Week 14 semester credit hours


Students who wish to enroll in more than eighteen credit hours in any combination of terms within the fall or the spring semester must have written permission from the Vice President of Instruction or designee prior to registration. Three week mini-semester terms in December and May are excluded from this total.

Students who wish to enroll in more than fourteen credit hours in any combination of terms within the summer semester must have written permission from the Vice President of Instruction or designee prior to registration.


Study Guidelines
Taking too many semester credit hours and outside work hours are a leading cause of poor class performance and course withdrawal, students are strongly encouraged to plan for two hours of study time per credit hour when planning semester schedules.  As an example, a student enrolled in a three-credit hour class should plan on six hours of expected study time outside of class per week. The total class commitment per week would then be 9 hours per week (3 hours of class time + 6 hours of study time outside of class).

Updated 12-1-21

Effective Fall 2021

165 Course Descriptions

BIOL 2402:

Prerequisite: BIOL 2401

BIOL 2402:

Prerequisite: BIOL 2401 with a grade of "C" or better.

Updated 10-8-2021

Effective Date Spring 2022

144 Polysomnography - Sleep Medicine AAS  

Replaced RSPT-1310 with PSGT-2371 (FIRST YEAR-Second Semester.
Replaced PSGT 2239 with RSPT 1237 (SECOND YEAR-First Semester)


Effective Spring 2022

190 Course Descriptions  

Add course:
PSGT 2371


Effective Spring 2022

193 Course Descriptions  

RSPT-2362 Course and description added.

Update 9-16-2021

Effective Fall 2021

150 Degree pages Welding Certificate (CERT1)

Update to Purpose and Program Requirements

Update 8-9-2021

Effective Fall 2021

193 Course Descriptions RSPT-1262 (11 lab hours per week)

RSPT-1262 (10 lab hours per week)

Update 8-3-2021

Effective Fall 2021

78 Degree pages Computer Information Technology - Computer Science

Computer Science

Update 6-30-2021

Effective Fall 2021

197 Course Descriptions WLDG-1323 

Removed Co-requisites: WLDG 1407, 1413, 1521

Update 6-30-2021

Effective Fall 2021

76 AS Business Administration CIP Code: 52.0101

Corrected CIP to: 52.0201

Update 6-29-2021

Effective Fall 2021

22 CLEP Chart Added additional information in chart. 

Spanish with Writing, Level 1- CLEP score 50/ 6 credits / SPAN 1411/1412 
Spanish with Writing, Level 2- CLEP score *65/12 credits/ SPAN 1411/1412/2311 & 2312 


Updated June 14, 2021

Effective Fall 2021


The ACC catalog changes are as follows:
Page  Section  Description

Date of Update -

Effective Term

P 38


Graduation 2. A minimum of 15 college-level semester hours were earned in residence for an associate degree; 11 college-level semester hours were earned in residence for a certificate. Semester hours granted for prior learning education do not apply toward residence hours. 2.  No less than 25% of the program of study must be earned in residence for an associate degree or certificate. Semester hours granted for prior learning education do not apply toward the 25% residence requirements.  

Updated June 2, 2020.

Effective beginning fall 2020.

P 125


Office Administration Office Assistant Certificate (CERT1)

Second Semester

ACNT 1311 Business Math Using Technology ACNT 1311 Introduction to Computerized Accounting (QuickBooks) 

Updated June 9, 2020

Effective beginning fall 2020. 

P 157


Course Descriptions

CHEM 1411
General Chemistry I

(4 credits)

Fundamental principles of chemistry for majors in the sciences, health sciences, and engineering; topics include measurements, fundamental properties of matter, states of matter, chemical reactions, chemical stoichiometry, periodicity of elemental properties, atomic structure, chemical bonding, molecular structure, solutions, properties of gases and an introduction to thermodynamics and descriptive chemistry. It is recommended to have had previous coursework in chemistry within the last five years; at least high school chemistry or CHEM 1405. When offered as an Honors class, this course will feature a seminar setting, additional coursework, and individualized student evaluation. (3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week). Prerequisites: MATH 1314 with a grade of "C" or better; TSI Reading met. [CB40.0501.5403]

CHEM 1411
General Chemistry I

(4 credits)

Fundamental principles of chemistry for majors in the sciences, health sciences, and engineering; topics include measurements, fundamental properties of matter, states of matter, chemical reactions, chemical stoichiometry, periodicity of elemental properties, atomic structure, chemical bonding, molecular structure, solutions, properties of gases and an introduction to thermodynamics and descriptive chemistry. It is recommended to have had previous coursework in chemistry within the last five years; at least high school chemistry or CHEM 1405. When offered as an Honors class, this course will feature a seminar setting, additional coursework, and individualized student evaluation. (3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week). Prerequisites: MATH 1314 with a grade of "C" or better or MATH-1324 with a grade of “C” or better; TSI Reading met. [CB40.0501.5403]

Updated June 10, 2020
Effective beginning fall 2020. 

P 176


Course Descriptions

PHYS 1401
College Physics I

(4 credits)

Fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of classical mechanics and thermodynamics, including harmonic motion, mechanical waves and sound, physical systems, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and gravitation and other fundamental forces; with emphasis on problem solving. (3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week). Prerequisite: MATH 2412, TSI Reading Met. [CB40.0801.5303]

PHYS 1401
College Physics I

(4 credits)

Fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of classical mechanics and thermodynamics, including harmonic motion, mechanical waves and sound, physical systems, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and gravitation and other fundamental forces; with emphasis on problem solving. (3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week). Prerequisite: MATH 2412 or MATH 1325, TSI Reading Met. [CB40.0801.5303]

Updated June 10, 2020
Effective beginning fall 2020.

P 47


Core Curriculum   PHYS-1410 has been added to Core 030 Life & Physical Sciences course options. Updated June 18, 2020
Effective beginning fall 2020.

P 38



(just above section "Graduation Under a Particular Catalog")

The College will automatically award a degree or certificate when
requirements are evaluated as complete for students who are enrolled and may not have applied to graduate.
The College will automatically award a degree or certificate when requirements in the declared program of study are evaluated as complete for students who are enrolled and may not have applied to graduate. Updated June 22, 2020
Effective beginning fall 2020.

P 38


Graduation/Reverse Transfer Graduation (4th bullet point) A diploma is requested, the application and fee have been
A diploma is requested. Updated June 22, 2020
Effective beginning fall 2020.

P 170


Course Descriptions

(add new course)


ITSE-1302 Computer Programming
3 Credit Hours

Introduction to computer programming including
design, development, testing, implementation, and documentation. (2 lecture and 2 lab hours per week) (CIP 11.0201)

Updated 7/20/2020

Effective beginning Fall 2020

P 48

Field of Study Curriculum
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Mexican-American Studies
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Mexican-American Studies
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Social Work

Updated 7/28/2020

Effective beginning Fall 2020

p 100

Emergency Medical Technology Program Program overview Updated Program overview

Updated 7/28/2020

Effective beginning Fall 2020

P 163-164

Course Descriptions EMT Course Descriptions  EMT Course Description updates

Updated 7/28/2020

Effective beginning Fall 2020

P 166-167 Course Descriptions EMT Course Descriptions  Course Descriptions 
Corrected errors in contact hours.

Updated 9/25/2020

Effective beginning Fall 2020

P73  AS Physical Science SECOND Year/First Semester  Physical Science Degree Path - updated 2nd listing to 4 credit hours

Updated 09/30/2020

Effective Fall 2020

P124  AAS Nursing Transition (LVN-to-ADN) Program Requirements Adding additional step "7. HESI-12 exam within 5 years of nursing application deadline. Minimum scores: 78 on reading, 78 for cumulative score."

Updated 10/01/2020

Effective Fall 2020

P90  Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography AAS Admission Requirements Removed reference to additional courses accepted in place of PHYS-1410.

Updated 10/01/2020

Effective Fall 2020

P96  Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography Advanced Technical Certificate  Admission Requirements  Removed reference to additional courses accepted in place of PHYS-1410.

Updated 10/01/2020

Effective Fall 2020

P196  Course Descriptions SOCW-2389 contact hours 1 lecture / 9 external lab hours per week. Updated SOCW-2389 contact hours to 1 lecture / 8 external lab hours per week.

Updated 10/23/2020

Effective Fall 2020

P24  PLA Approved Opportunities   New section added

Updated 11/16/2020

Effective Fall 2020

P42  Food and Toiletry Assistance Students in need of assistance with food or toiletry items should contact: or  ACC has Blessing Boxes on campus and these boxes contain toiletry and food supplies for students and staff, as well as the community. Students may also email or for possible additional assistance.


Effective Fall 2020

P54  Presidential Scholar Presidential Scholars are selected during the spring term. A student
may receive the award one time. To be designated a Presidential
Scholar, a student must have:
• Completed 45 college-level semester hours at Alvin
Community College, excluding sports and human
performance activity credits,
• Completed 18 of the 45 semester hours in university-transfer
courses, excluding sports and human performance activity
• Earned a minimum 3.90 grade point average on all college
level courses taken at ACC,
• Have no grade below a B on any course taken at ACC,
• Completed at least 12 college-level semester hours taken at
ACC during the previous calendar year, and
• Have no record or pending charges of disciplinary action or
academic dishonesty.
Presidential Scholars are selected during the spring term. A student
may receive the award one time. To be designated a Presidential
Scholar, a student must have:
• Completed 45 college-level semester hours at Alvin
Community College, excluding sports and human
performance activity credits,
• Completed 18 of the 45 semester hours in university-transfer
courses, excluding sports and human performance activity
• Earned a minimum 3.95 grade point average on all college
level courses taken at ACC,
• Have no grade below a B on any course taken at ACC,
• Completed at least 12 college-level semester hours taken at
ACC during the previous calendar year,
• Have no record or pending charges of disciplinary action or
academic dishonesty, and
• Be currently enrolled or a graduate during the current
academic year.

Updated 4/22/2021

Effective beginning Spring 2021

P180  Course Descriptions  RSPT-1262 (11 lab hours weekly)  RSPT-1262 (10 lab hours weekly)

Update: 8-3-2021

Effective: Fall 2020